Chivalrous Mysteries

The Chivalrous Rosary of Crushing the Serpent´s Head

In honor to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Sacred Heart of Jesus

and the Founder of the Militia Immaculata St. Maximilian M. Kolbe

Requests for the gifts (3x Hail Mary prior to the mysteries):

The three theological virtues (prior to Hail Mary)

  1.  for the increase of faith,
  2. for the increase of hope,
  3. for the increase of charity,

…or the Special - Chivalrous gifts (after Jesus in Hail Mary)

  1. who may keep our vigilance,
  2. who may strengthen our holiness,
  3. who may deepen our obedience, charity, and humility.

The Chivalrous mysteries of Crushing the Serpent´s Head:

· who defeated the devil in the desert,

(Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13)

Fruit of the mystery: Wisdom and councel

· who gave the power to the disciples to drive out all demons,

(Luke 9:1, Luke 10:17-20)

Fruit of the mystery: Fortitude

· who was recognized by the impure spirits to be the Son of God,

(Mark 3:11, Luke 4:31-37, Luke 4:41)

Fruit of the mystery: Understanding and knowledge

· who let a legion of demons go into a herd of pigs,

(Luke 8:26-39)

Fruit of the mystery: Fear of the Lord

· who triumphed over Satan by His Crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection.

(Matthew 16:21-28, Mark 8:31-38, John 16:11, Romans 16:20, Hebrews 2:14-15, Collosians 2:14-15)

Fruit of the mystery: Reverence

The fruits of the mysteries correspond to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:1-2, St Thomas Aquines Summa Theologiae I-II, II-II).

Origin: the first mystery and idea to create a new powerful rosary prayer related to the Triumph of Our Lord over Satan during His public ministry on earth as a key factor of our redemption was revealed to Dr. Daniel Krizan during a rosary prayer "The Decent of the Holy Spirit" using the special paracord rosary dedicated to the Militia Immaculata containing the Miraculous Medal, August 28th, 2023 (St. Augustine), in Medzilaborce, Slovakia. The fifth mystery is called the mystery of the St. Damiano Cross revealing the final redemption work of Our Lord to free us from the slavery of Satan. This mystery also mimics the three parts of the Holy Mass: sacrifice-death-resurrection. This new rosary was forecast by the Virgin Mary in the book of SOG Don Stefano Gobbi "To the Priests Our Lady´s beloved Sons" (the Bluebook) in the paragraph 479, October 7, 1992.

How to pray: You may recite the given rosary separately, but it is recommended to pray it as the rosary # 3 (courage) in the system of the 5 rosaries upon which 4 of them are already known as the joyful (1., faith), luminous (2., trust), sorrowful (4., obedience), and glorious mysteries (5., praise) to follow tactics of 5 smooth stones of David in the fight to slay Goliath (1 Samuel, 17:40). The chivalrous mysteries can be contemplated as a walk with Mary, Jesus and 11 disciples from the cenacle to the garden of Gethsemane, while the main redemption work of Christ will be meditated. The system of these 5 rosaries is named as the Holy Rosary Combat System of the Jerusalem Cross. This rosary system was forecast in the Holy Script – Revelation 21:2:

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Since this specific rosary is in fact an exorcism prayer, it is strongly recommended to include a deliverance prayer to fill in empty space after casting out the devil by the Holy Spirit. Pray for example Litany to the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, it is necessary to include the St Patrick Breastplate prayer or another protection prayer prior to this rosary followed by a possible supplicatory prayer such as for example Mary, Untier of Knots. At the end of this rosary, Memorare of St. Bernard to acknowledge Our Lady for Her exceptional help should be prayed. Finally, for the God´s acknowledgement pray the Magnificat or Benedictus prayer. To include any additional suitable prayer is cordially welcome.

Special thanks to:

Home of the Paracord Rosary for Digital Crusaders | Sanctus Servo 

Released on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 2024

The First Rosary Crusade of the Jerusalem Cross started on the Feast Day of St. Faustina Kowalska and Bl. Bartolo Longo, October 5, 2024, praying the Chivalrous Mysteries for world  peace, especially for peace in the Holy Land, on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, October 7, 2024

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