
The booklets of the RDCSH and RKCSH with all necessary information for this prayer initiative in English can be downloaded here:

The Chivalrous Mysteries of Crushing the Serpent´s Head in Slovak can be downloaded here:

The Chivalrous Mysteries of Crushing the Serpent´s Head in German can be downloaded here: 

The Gospel readings suitable for meditation of the Chivalrous Mysteries can be found here:

The schematic representation of a principle of the Interior Castle of St. Teresa of Jesus of Avila in the framework of the offensive and defensive part of the HRCSJC can be downloaded here: 

The solemn act of consecration to the Immaculate according to St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe can be downloaded here:

The suitable prayers for the Chivalrous Mysteries of Crushing the Serpent´s Head can be found here:

More information to the following topics:

  • Miraculous development of this rosary system based on the intervetions of the Miraculous Medal
  • In depth explanation of the offensive and defensive part of the HRCSJC
  • How to built a flamming sword of the Holy Spirit from the HRCSJC
  • How the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit present as the fruits of the Chivalrous mysteries simultaneously attack all Seven Cardinal Sins
  • How the HRCSJC supports the loyalty to the Holy Father
  • How is St. Pope John Paul II especially present in this rosary system
  • How the HRCSJC extends the Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6: 10-18)
  • The virtues of the Rosary Dames and Knights of Crushing the Serpent´s Head
  • What is the prayer impact of the rosary prayer group under the leadership of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • ...

 will be found in the anticipated book D. Krizan: The Holy Rosary Combat System of the Jerusalem Cross, including the Chivarlous Mysteries of Crushing the Serpent´s Head.

Special thanks to:

Home of the Paracord Rosary for Digital Crusaders | Sanctus Servo 

Released on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 2024

The First Rosary Crusade of the Jerusalem Cross started on the Feast Day of St. Faustina Kowalska and Bl. Bartolo Longo, October 5, 2024, praying the Chivalrous Mysteries for world  peace, especially for peace in the Holy Land, on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, October 7, 2024

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